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GE Vivid 7

GE Vivid 7

The GE Vivid 7 cardiac ultrasound delivers the real-time, 4d ultrasound imaging that you’ve always dreamed of, and it’s even easier than ever to use. Pushing one button instantly displays a full-volume image of the beating heart. This technology that was once reserved for the research lab is now in your hands and helps you deliver better care to your patients in all settings.
(BT08 Software)
Cardiac, Vascular, and OB/GYN Calculations
Archive, Tissue Tracking, TVI, MO Drive
CW/PW Doppler, Color, Harmonics
DICOM, Integrated Stress, MPEGvue,
DICOM Modality Worklist, Dicom Print,
Q-Analysis, Advanced Q Scan(strain and TSI)
Price: Call or email for price